Getting Started with Modelify

Eclipse Basics for Modelify (Setting up a C Project in Eclipse)

This demonstration below will cover the basics for using Eclipse to start a new C project or to import an existing C project in order to convert them into Simulink models using Modelify. This video is for those who have not coded in Java, C, or C++ using Eclipse.

Converting C code into Simulink Models (Demonstration of Modelify)

For an in-depth demonstration of how Modelify converts C code into Simulink models, and how you can convert your own code, please see our Modelify demo video below. This will show how to use Modelify.

Creating a Conversion Bundle in Modelify

The video below explains how to create a conversion bundle for Modelify. The conversion bundle feature allows users the ability to select which parts of a C project they can convert to Simulink or Stateflow.